Metrics help call centers measure their performance in specific areas. This helps in drafting strategies to improve performance and make better business decisions. Among these, call center reporting metrics provide a comprehensive view of operational effectiveness, agent productivity, and customer service quality.  There are scores of metrics that could be used, however, choosing the right ones is crucial.

Keep in mind, the metrics that need to be tracked vary from business to business. The metrics you choose should align with your business objectives. In this short article, we will look at the metrics that are the most important.

What are the Various Call Center Metrics I Should Know About?

There is a host of metrics that call centers generally track, including contact center performance metrics, which are crucial for evaluating the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your call center operations. Here is the entire list:

  • Abandon Rate
  • Average Handle Time
  • Percentage Of Calls Blocked
  • NPS Score Calculation
  • Average Speed Ofof Answer
  • CSAT Scores
  • Cost Per Call
  • Agent Effort Score
  • Customer Effort Score
  • Call Arrival Rate
  • First Contact Resolution
  • Service Level
  • Agent Utilization Rate
  • Response Time
  • Call Duration
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Call Availability
  • Agent Absenteeism
  • Average Time in Queue
  • Occupancy Rate
  • Schedule Adherence
  • Average Wait Time
  • Customer Experience Metrics
  • Call Attempts
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Call Center Quality Assurance
  • Active Waiting Calls
  • Average Hold Time
  • Repeat Call Rate

This very long list can make for a complex monitoring procedure, the best thing to do is choose the metrics that are related to your business objectives. For example, a technical support call center should strive for higher ‘first call resolutions.’ An emergency services call center should strive for the shortest possible average time in queue.

Call Center Metrics You Should Focus On

Now let’s look at some of the more business-critical metrics. If these metrics aren’t measured it can be difficult to get an accurate reading of call center performance. Aligning these metrics with call center best practices can significantly improve your operations and customer satisfaction levels.

1. Percentage of Calls Blocked

This metric tells you how many incoming callers were unable to reach you, they may have gotten a busy tone, dropped while on wait, or were unable to connect to the number. This number should ideally be zero. If customers cannot reach you, their experience is bound to be impacted negatively. This will lead to higher customer churn rates, less revenue, and slow down your business growth.

What should you do?

  • Make sure you have enough agents to answer calls. If you are experiencing surges, adjust staffing levels accordingly.
  • Make sure your number is displayed correctly everywhere and offer alternate means of contact, such as an alternate number, chat, or email support.
  • Ensure your technical team has covered all possible glitches.

2. Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT tells you how long it takes for your team to offer your customer a resolution. This is the total time the customer has spent on the phone talking to your agents. Yes, there are bound to be customers that need more attention and issues that take more time, however, figuring out what the average is and using it as a metric is a great way to ensure satisfied customers. If your agents take too long to resolve issues due to a lack of knowledge, long hold times, and improper processes, you are going to have an unhappy customer.

What should you do?

  • Make sure all your agents are trained. Even if you are working with a call center outsourcing partner, make sure all agents are trained well.
  • Create robust processes and systems that allow your agents to offer quick solutions. Consider offering them a decision tree, AI tools, and easy access to knowledge bases.
  • Preemptive support can be a great way to reduce call durations. Offer suggestions and possible steps that a customer could take to resolve issues via the IVR while they are waiting to talk to an agent.
  • Make sure dropped calls and disconnected calls are not added to the AHT calculations. Customers who get disconnected will contribute to lower AHT but will end up calling back, likely more irate than before.

3. Cost per Call (CPC)

CPC gives you insights into what you are spending for each call. This includes salaries, tech costs, overheads, and everything else involved in running the call center. If your cost per call is too high, it could indicate inefficiencies in your process. It can be unsustainable to offer call center services if the cost becomes too high.

What should you do?

  • Leverage technology where you can. Use the right tools to ensure that your customer. Using self-service, interactive IVRs can help reduce call costs.
  • Offer alternate contact options such as chatbots, FAQs, how-to videos, and so on.
  • Outsource your call center requirements to experts that have better infrastructure and offer lower costs.

4. First Call Resolution (FCR)

Understanding the FCR helps you understand if your agents are doing a good job. If the number of first contact resolutions is high, your agents did a good job in addressing customer problems. Failing to resolve issues quickly can lead to dissatisfied customers and poor customer experience and ultimately your customers could end up going elsewhere.

What should you do?

  • Give your agents the tools, knowledge, and authority to make decisions to solve your customers' problems.
  • Follow-ups are essential. If your agents have not been able to resolve a customer issue, request a good call-back time and ensure your team follows up and resolves the issue.
  • Offer appeasements to your customers. This will not improve the metric but may help reduce the negative impacts of a lack of resolution.

5. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

This may be the single most important metric for call centers. This metric measures how satisfied your customers are. Even if all the other metrics are in the green, if your CSAT scores are less than ideal, you have a major problem. Unhappy customers set off a chain reaction which ultimately results in lower revenue and stagnated growth.

What should you do?

  • Train your agents to set expectations for customers. They should be transparent about what they can and cannot do.
  • Ask agents to show the customers that they are willing to go the extra mile to keep them happy.
  • Again, make sure your agents have the tools, knowledge, skills, and communication abilities to help resolve customers.
  • Train your agents to always be respectful, kind, and empathetic.

6. Customer Effort Score (CES)

CES is exactly what it sounds like. How easy is it for your customers to solve their problems? If a customer must jump through hoops and over hurdles to get what they want, they will not be happy, they will not come back to you.

What should you do?

  • Make sure the processes are set in place to make it easy for customers to reach your agents.
  • Make the customer experience journey effortless across all channels.
  • Offer multiple ways for customers to reach you and ensure a consistent experience.
  • Give customers free resources, easy access to information, and troubleshooting tips.

7. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Word of mouth is the single best way to expand a loyal customer base. NPS helps you define how likely a customer is to recommend your product or service to another person. If you have a lot of customers who are not happy with your services, bad word of mouth tends to spread.

What should you do?

  • Offer great customer service.
  • Make your agents understand the importance of delighting the customer, every step of the way.
  • Watch all your metrics to make sure you have the data to make the right decisions.

In Summary

Monitoring these metrics accurately and understanding where you stand is vital. Armed with this data, you and your call center team or outsourcing partner can craft a plan to ensure better customer experience and excellent customer service. Incorporating these insights into your call center goals will help streamline your strategies for enhanced performance. One of the key benefits of outsourcing call center services is their expertise in accurately monitoring and improving these metrics. The best way to make sure these metrics are monitored, and measured accurately and the right measures are taken to improve scores, is to work with a trusted outsourcing partner.


Call center metrics are key indicators used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a call center's operations and strategy.

Sure, metrics like Average Handle Time (AHT), First Call Resolution (FCR), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), and Service Level, among others, are commonly used to gauge a call center's performance.

To boost these metrics, consider techniques such as continuous agent training, efficient call routing, prioritizing first call resolution, and leveraging customer feedback.

Technology aids in enhancing these metrics by streamlining processes, offering real-time data analysis, enabling advanced customer interaction through tools like AI, and elevating the overall service quality.

No, the metrics can vary based on the unique needs and goals of each call center. It's important to select metrics that align with your specific business objectives and customer expectations.