Fostering Excellence and Well-Being: The Remarkable Work Culture at Flatworld Philippines

Fostering Excellence and Well-Being: The Remarkable Work Culture at Flatworld Philippines

We all aspire to belong to a workplace that enables us to reach our full potential. Flatworld Philippines employees say that they work at one such place. We are happy that Flatworld Philippines has secured the Great Place to Work certification for the second year in a row.This accreditation is the gold standard for evaluating employee high-performance cultures, so it shows that we are an employer of choice. The Great Place to Work® certification will cement our endeavors to foster a diverse workplace and distinctive culture. The certification will spur us to continue initiatives like Beyond Business, where employees volunteer their time and effort towards social causes like education. The Great Place to Work® attestation is key to our continuous efforts to attract and retain top-quality talent, by building an inclusive, healthy and safe workplace that encourages their growth.

What are the survey highlights?

Great Place to Work independently surveyed our employees and found that a whopping 86% of team members said that Flatworld is a great place to work - 33% higher than the industry average. These are the key findings of the survey –

The employee experience at Flatworld Philippines, compared to a typical Global company

86% of employees at Flatworld Philippines say it is a great place to work compared to 53% of employees at a typical Global company

The employee experience at Flatworld Philippines, compared to a typical Global company The employee experience at Flatworld Philippines, compared to a typical Global company
Source: Great Place to Work® 2019 Global Employee Engagement Study

of employees feel good about the way they contribute to the community


of respondents said they were made to feel welcome when they joined the company


of employees opined their customers would rate their service as excellent


of respondents felt proud to tell others they worked here


of employees would strongly endorse the company to their family and friends as a great place to work


of respondents felt that Flatworld was a physically safe place to work


of employees agreed that they were given the equipment and resources to do their job

Why is Flatworld Philippines a Great Place to Work?

We consistently value our employees, and receiving the Great Place to Work® certification for the second year in a row, testifies to that fact. We consider our employees' development outside work too, what their hopes and aspirations are, and support them when they want to make a difference to the larger community we all belong to. At Flatworld Philippines, we put our employees first, resulting in high team cohesion, commitment and productivity. We constantly keep our values of integrity and fairness in mind, to create an enduring workplace culture.

About the Great Place to Work® Certification

Great Place to Work® is the industry standard for evaluating employee high-performance cultures across 50 countries. They conduct the world's largest workplace excellence study annually, surveying 12 million+ employees globally.

Here's what the Flatworld Philippines team had to say

David Antony

David Antony

President and COO, Flatworld

"Flatworld is proud to receive the Great Place to Work certification for the second year in a row. We encourage employees to collaborate and innovate to achieve mutual success. Our aim is to strive for excellence in every task, no matter how small, and take pride in what we do. Initiatives like Beyond Business, where employees volunteer their time and effort towards social causes such as education, have helped Flatworld Philippines get these survey results. The company will continue to value employees, respecting the trust they have in Flatworld Philippines."

Ajit Sivarajan

Ajit Sivarajan

Country Head, Flatworld Philippines

"Flatworld has experienced extraordinary growth in the last 10 years, and we strive to preserve our culture as we expand. Our team members are key partners in the success of our organization, and being awarded the Great Place to Work certification for the second straight year is evidence of our exceptional work culture. There are three cornerstones to our vision - creating exceptional experiences for our stakeholders by harnessing technology, enabling employee growth by building healthy and safe workspaces and contributing to the larger community in a long-term sustainable way."


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