Facilities and IT Infrastructure : State-of-the-Art Infrastructure to Support your Business.

Flatworld Philippines' delivery centers are strategically located right at the heart of Davao City. Our offices enjoy close proximity to the city's airport, major shopping malls, lifestyle hubs, and business districts. Whether your business requires you to hire additional staff to support a new product or ramp up for your new promotion, our operations are designed to keep up and scale up quickly. Flatworld Philippines has a capacity of over 1,000 seats across a floor area of 2500 sq.m. in two locations, both of which are maintained by well-trained Support Teams and 24/7 roaming security force.

On-site Facilities

  • Recruitment & Testing rooms
  • Boardroom & Conference rooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Biometric Access
  • 24 hour CCTV surveillance
  • 24/7 Physical Security
  • Dedicated Lockers
  • IT & Server rooms
  • Training rooms
  • Clinics
  • Cafeteria
  • Physical Security

    We have left no stone unturned to ensure that our building and resources are secure from any kind of intrusion. We have invested in cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure because keeping your data confidential and secure is our utmost priority.


    Our facilities are kept secure 24/7. All employees and visitors need to pass through our biometric security access system to have access to our premises.


    We have outlined efficient fire prevention and disaster evacuation plans to ensure the safety of our employees.


    We ensure only authorized personnel access our facilities, with additional access control devices and cutting-edge CCTV monitoring systems.

    Secure VPN and Network

    Secure VPN and Network

    Besides the use of a top-notch firewall, secure VPN communications, virus protection software, spam filters, and URL filtering software, we have well-defined security protocols to detect and circumvent any data breaches.

  • We use a secure VPN Network using CISCO VPN Tunnel-to-Client network.
  • Our network is fortified with secure Cisco® Intelligent switches and Cisco® Network Assistant optimized for LAN. Our Cisco® PIX® Firewall is configured to block HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, UDP, and ICMP ports.
  • All our workstations have the best and up-to-date anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-phishing, and spam blocking software. URL filters provide an added layer of protection.
  • Our networks are constantly being monitored for any kind of suspicious activity. Our protocols define constant auditing and reporting to keep data secure at every stage.
  • Flatworld Philippines Infrastrucutre

    360° Information Security and Confidentiality Assurance

    We're dedicated to ensuring security and confidentiality, and that means multiple safeguards at each and every access point. Our IT infrastructure services implement a four-point security protocol: Plan, Protect, Detect, and Respond. We also know that total assurance means more than just a protocol: Social engineering plays a key role in IT security. This is why we've vetted our staff, facilities, technology, and networks to uphold our standards.

    360° Information Security and Confidentiality Assurance
    Well-defined security protocols

    Well-defined security protocols

    We understand there's no single, simple solution to network security challenges. Which is why we check for security gaps at three levels and take three steps to guard against data breaches. When you entrust us with your project, we initiate our world-class security protocol: Prevention, Detection, and Quick Response.

    First, we do everything in our power to prevent a breach by ensuring the people, processes, and technology involved in your project are up to code, and that proper precautions have been taken. For the duration of your project, we provide around-the-clock monitoring so that swift remedial action can be taken.

    With speedy detection and a quick response, we go above and beyond to minimize the impact in the unlikely case of a security breach.

    Multi-location Data Backup

    Despite the best of contingency strategies, there is still the minute possibility of data corruption via malicious viruses, rogue programs, or even natural causes that are beyond our control. In order to mitigate such circumstances. We periodically back up our customers' critical data in several unique geographical locations. In the event of a data breach, we have a process in place to restore data from the backup in a thorough yet efficient manner.

    Workplace Data Security Policies

    We understand that the human element poses security lapses and threats. That is why:


    We provide in-house training to all our employees about data security and protection. They are trained regularly on security issues and are periodically updated on the protocols they need to follow in any given situation.


    All employees are required to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement, which remains in effect even after they leave the company.


    Should your project require additional security, it will be assigned to an employee who has received special training educating them of the sensitive nature of your project.


    All employees are required to use their secure login. Multiple failed attempts result in locking the workstation and requires intervention of the administrator to regain network access.


    No employee can use external drives in order to prevent data theft. Additionally, each workstation has restricted print permission to prevent misuse.


    Only those involved in your project have access to your data.


    The emails of employees go out with digital signatures to ensure that your information goes only to the intended recipients.


    We constantly monitor internet use and system activities through our auditing process.

    Internet Redundancy & Power Failover to Minimize Downtime

    Internet connectivity is one of the basic and most critical resources to run our business. We cannot afford to experience internet service downtimes. We have redundant internet connections set up to ensure that we are up and running all the time.

    Power outages are common occurrences and can cause huge losses for businesses. We have 2 generators to power our building, as well as UPS units on each workstation for backup power to ensure uninterrupted power supply to our organization. These systems are maintained regularly by competent and adept engineers to ensure that they are working efficiently all the time.

    Internet Redundancy & Power Failover to Minimize Downtime

    Are You Looking For An Outsourcing Partner In Philippines?

    Flatworld Philippines is making sure that we do outsourcing right. We are an agile company dedicated to providing excellent outsourced services backed by solid infrastructure management, redundancies for seamless internet connectivity, and breach-proof network security. Our people will give you the services you need, supported with fail-proof infrastructure.