Reaching out to potential customers can be a hectic task for most real estate businesses. Long sales cycle, high-ticket transactions, changing market conditions, and fluctuating lead readiness often become a barrier to quality lead generation. Even then, converting real estate leads into actual sales requires consistent follow-ups and skillful negotiations. Offshoring your customer interactions can help mitigate some of these problems.

A professional real estate outbound call center service provider can take on the responsibility of continuously engaging with leads throughout the sales cycle on your behalf. Leveraging offshore teams in the Philippines can lead to a 60-70% drop in operational costs due to lower labor rates. In fact, with their 92.58% English proficiency rate, the highest in Asia, Filipino teams can ensure smooth communication, improving customer service and lead generation outcomes.

All set for outsourcing to the Philippines real estate outbound call center services but don't know where to start? Let's take the first step together!

Understanding Outbound Call Center Services

As a part of outbound call center services, customer care executives make calls to existing or potential buyers on behalf of a business or a client. Real estate call center agents are trained to carry out specific tasks properly like conveying property details, making effective sales pitches, while piquing their interest level.

Benefits Of Outsourcing Real Estate Call Centers

C-suite executives often wonder about how effective an outbound call center for real estate will be for a business. Here is a list of benefits, apart from market research, if you choose to offshore this service.

Property Promotion

Trained professionals can effectively communicate the unique selling points of your properties to potential buyers or renters.

Appointment Scheduling

Outsourced call centers can help schedule property viewings, thus ensuring a streamlined process that saves real estate agents' time.

Lead Generation and Follow-ups

Call centers can initiate cold calls to generate leads and perform follow-ups, freeing up real estate agents to focus on closing deals.

Tenant Support

For rental properties, a call center can provide round-the-clock support to tenants, handling maintenance requests or other concerns, which can enhance tenant satisfaction and retention.

Multilingual Support

This is especially beneficial for real estate companies operating in diverse markets, allowing you to effectively communicate with clients in their preferred language.

Pre-qualification of Clients

Call center agents can pre-qualify potential clients based on your criteria, ensuring the leads passed to your sales team are of high quality.

Collection Services

For property management companies, an outsourced call center can help with rent reminders and collection, improving the efficiency of the process.

Choosing the Right Outbound Call Center Service for Your Real Estate Business

If you are someone looking to extend your call center operations to a third-party provider, you need to choose one that gives you exceptional services with minimum supervision. Here are the points you need to check before entrusting your responsibilities.

Identify Your Needs

Begin by defining your specific requirements, such as lead generation, appointment setting, customer support, or market research. In this way, you set your expectations from your call outsourcing team.

Research Potential Providers

Conduct thorough research to identify call center providers with experience in serving the real estate industry, ensuring they have a track record of success and positive client feedback.

Evaluate Their Services

Assess the range of real estate customer service offered by each provider, focusing on inbound and outbound call capabilities, lead qualification, customer support, and data management to align with your business objectives.

Consider Technology and Infrastructure

Look for call centers equipped with advanced technology and robust infrastructure. They must have CRM systems, call monitoring tools, and multichannel communication capabilities to enhance efficiency and service quality.

Check Their Training Process

Inquire about the call center's agent training programs to ensure they are well-equipped to represent your real estate business professionally, handle customer inquiries effectively, and follow industry best practices.

Request for References

You can ask for references or case studies from the call center provider to validate their expertise and success in serving real estate clients. Check reviews and client testimonials to ensure they serve their clients genuinely.

Consider Pricing

Evaluate the pricing structure of each call center provider. Consider factors like per-minute rates, bundled packages, and the value offered. Go for it only if you get a cost-effective solution that aligns with your budget and business goals.

Challenges in Implementing Outbound Call Center Services in Real Estate and Probable Solutions

High Costs

Challenges - Implementing an outbound call center can be costly at times since it requires significant investments in technology, hiring, and training.

Solution - Outsourcing to a specialized call center service provider can help reduce these costs and provide a cost-effective solution for real estate businesses.

Training and Quality Control

Challenges - Ensuring high-quality service from call center agents requires extensive training and quality control measures. This includes developing clear call scripts, providing ongoing coaching, and monitoring performance metrics to maintain consistency and efficiency.

Solution - Due to the high-end professionalism of these call centers, you can expect strict quality control and measures that would let the experts handle calls with utmost proficiency.

Integrating Systems

Challenges - Integrating call center systems with existing real estate software and databases is crucial for seamless data management and efficient operations. However, the lack of it can pose serious trouble like inefficiencies, data silos, and a fragmented customer experience.

Solution - Reputed call center providers, on the other hand, are often capable of integrating their systems with a real estate company's CRM and other relevant platforms. This integration ensures a smooth flow of customer data, streamlined lead management, and real-time access to critical information.

Meeting Compliance Standards

Challenges - Maintaining compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Do Not Call (DNC) registries is critical but can be a significant challenge for real estate companies. Failure to adhere to these standards can result in hefty fines and reputational damage.

Solution - Outsourcing to a call center that specializes in outbound sales is usually equipped with the necessary software, training, and processes in place to ensure compliance. Experienced call center providers stay up to date with regulatory changes and implement robust measures to protect both the company and its customers.

Future of Philippines call center real estate

The future of outbound call center services in real estate is poised to be shaped by several key trends and advancements. Currently, the industry is shifting towards a more customer-centric approach, emphasizing personalized interactions and efficient lead generation.

To stay ahead, real estate services must identify and adapt to the latest trends, such as the increasing reliance on channels beyond traditional phones, like SMS messaging and social media.

At this stage, embracing technology, particularly artificial intelligence and automation will be crucial in optimizing workflows, improving customer satisfaction, and enhancing data analytics. Moreover, effective training of agents will also be essential to ensure they are equipped to handle the evolving needs of customers.

Finally, ensuring compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Do Not Call (DNC) registries will be vital to maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding legal issues. By embracing these trends and best practices, you can enhance real estate sales with call centers that can continue to drive growth and success in the competitive industry.


As you can understand, an outbound call services for Philippines real estate can effectively handle the most vital aspect of your business – handling customers. They are the crucial touchpoints that will constantly evaluate your relationship with existing and potential customers. With the rapid technological advancements, the services in these industries are equipping them with the latest developments to meet the current requirements. Hence, if you are looking to enhance your customer relationships, avail outbound call services for property sales and watch your sales soar in no time.


Outbound call centers help enhance real estate sales by reaching out to potential clients and conducting market surveys to understand customer needs. They nurture your leads while they are still hot and help you close cycles efficiently

A call center can help a real estate business with lead generation, lead nurturing, database management, and customer service.

It is possible to manage both the services with the same infrastructure and set up. If that’s what you need, choose a hybrid service model that takes care of everything, from incoming calls to telemarketing surveys.

The effectiveness of the outbound call center can be measured via metrics such as call quality, conversion rate, CSAT score, and AHT. Regular analysis of these metrics helps you gauge the performance of your call center and make improvements as necessary.

They need excellent communication skills, an understanding of the real estate market, patience, and persuasiveness to effectively convey your property's features and benefits to potential buyers.